The 2nd issue of an international newsletter providing news and information about poplars and willows has recently appeared from the International Poplar Commission (IPC). The newsletter, entitled 'Poplar and Willow News', is produced by the Argentinian National Poplar Commission and published 3 or 4 times a year by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN, of which IPC is a subsidiary body.
The 2nd issue has information about Upcoming Events, as well as Articles of Interest, and News from National Poplar Commissions. Contents include:
- Upcoming events (including International Poplar Symposium (IPS VI), Vancouver, July 2014)
- Technical Articles
'Recent willow plant breeding creations in Argentina'
'Expanding the planting window for poplar' (article from India)
'Introduction of successful salt and dry tolerant hybrid poplar ... in Iran ...'
- News from National Poplar Commissions (article on 'Agroforestry in Atlantic Canada' by Jim Richardson, PCC)
- Meet the members of the Executive Committee (includes profile of PCC Chair, Barb Thomas)
- Research on poplars and willows (list of recently published papers)
- New refernece work on poplars and willows