An extensive gallery of photos related to poplars and willows was recently uploaded to the website of the International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC). It can be accessed at THIS LINK . Individual photos can be downloaded.
This IPC photo gallery was established through an initiative of J.G. Isebrands, USA and J. Richardson, Canada, the editors of the book “Poplars and Willows – Trees for Society and the Environment” which was published by CAB International and FAO in 2014. The collection comprises, for the most part, photos that were originally selected for the book, but could not be included in the final version. It also includes other photos unavailable elsewhere, which the editors felt were of common interest to the international poplar and willow community and should be stored in an accessible format, along with information on where and when each photo was taken and what it shows (metadata).
The photo gallery is arranged in thematic sections corresponding to chapters of the Poplars and Willows book; it includes a collection of historic photopage cons (the Casale Collection) contributed by the former Poplar Research Institute at Casale Monferrato, Italy, which have been assigned to Chapter 1. The photos are also cross-referenced to relevant IPC Working Parties. The copyright of the photos is vested with the authors and FAO. The IPC Photo Gallery is a project of the IPC Working Party on Policy, Communication and Outreach, whose webpage has further information about the gallery.

(Credit: B. Heois/FAO)

(1) Historic photos (Casale Monferrato collection)
(2) Poplars and Willows of the World
(3) Ecology and Physiology of Poplars and Willows
(4) Domestication and Conservation of Populus and Salix Genetic Resources
(5) Operational Poplar and Willow Culture
(6) Environmental Applications of Poplars and Willows
(7) Abiotic Stresses
(8) Diseases of Poplars and Willows
(9) Insect and Other Pests of Poplars and Willows
(10) Properties, Processing and Utilization
(12) Poplars and Willows for Rural Livelihoods and Sustainable Development
The International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC) is a treaty-based body placed within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Its mission is to reduce poverty and improve ecosystem services worldwide by fostering the sustainable management of fast-growing trees. Founded in 1947 to restore Europe’s ravaged landscape after the Second World War, today it has 38 Member Nations on five continents. IPC achieves its objectives by facilitation of technical exchange on research and sustainable management of fast-growing forests and trees.
The IPC website, which is part of the FAO website, has recently been completely updated to reflect the expanded mandate of the organization, formerly named the International Poplar Commission (see related news item on IPC Reform.